The 5th Annual Eagle Island Workshop in book arts and journal keeping will be taught by Siri Beckman, printmaker and book artist from Stonington, and Susan Bonthron of Otter Pond Bindery in Guilford, VT. The workshop is from September 10 to 14 and takes place on Eagle Island in Penobscot Bay.

Susan Bonthron is a writing coach, avid journal keeper and senior editor of Community Works Journal. She studied book arts with Paulus Berensohn, Julie Chen, Claire Van Vliet, Hedi Kyle and at the Center for Book Arts in NYC. She has led bookbinding residencies at schools and colleges throughout New England.

Siri Beckman, best known for her wood engravings, has taught at the University of Maine, Haystack Mountain School of Craft and in her own studio in Stonington. Over the last seven years Beckman has been awarded a number of artists’ residencies in National Parks including Acadia, Rocky Mountain, the Badlands and Hovenweep, which awakened her love of making and keeping journals.

During this five-day workshop participants will learn paste paper and Coptic binding techniques. Pen, ink and watercolor will be the primary media used for image and text. The workshop is suitable for intermediate and novice artists/writers.

Accommodations are provided by Bob and Helene Quinn on Eagle Island. This special place provides an inspirational setting for drawing, painting and writing — the essentials of journal keeping. Tuition is $450, lodging from $440 (double) to $540 (single), includes meals.

For further information or to register, contact Siri Beckman,
207-367-5037, or