
How not to be an April fool

I thought the Druids invented April Fools’ Day, but it turns out they had first actually invented Easter, not the Christian kind, but the pagan kind that celebrated springtime fertility with rabbits and eggs to coincide with the vernal equinox, an astronomical event, when people also are accustomed to running around making jokes and pulling

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We of the north

Winter does not become us. We of the North become winter—in our whitened faces, and buttoned up visages, and in our calculations of who deserves to be rewarded. Garrison Keillor, who hails from the austere Lutheran fastness of northern Minnesota, has made a career as a humorist suggesting that we of the north believe that

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Guy times

It began innocently enough. A friend from years past moved to town and called another friend to reconnect. The two of them went out for a run together one Saturday morning, found it satisfying, and kept it up. Soon they added a second running date Sunday morning before they went to church. Then another friend

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A winter physics lesson

In a column several months ago, a certain self-satisfied father let his Scotch nature get the better of him while complaining about his children’s wasteful energy habits whenever they returned home ( We must learn to be careful of whom we have become. With their children now all off launching their lives into the gales

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