The Compass Project received funding of over $30,000 in the last quarter of 2006. “These grants strengthen our organization and allow us to continue offering experiential boatbuilding programs to youth facing social and academic challenges,” said Patricia Ryan, Executive Director of the Compass Project. “Every day in our boatbuilding shop we see that hands-on programs do help at-risk youth learn to work as a team and gain self-esteem and self-confidence. It’s been exciting to see our programs grow and very heartening to have this kind of generous support from foundations.” The grants are from a variety of foundations and will help support boatbuilding, rowing and apprentice programs, as well as the Compass Project’s annual boatbuilding festival in Portland in July.

Since 2002, more than 300 youth from Greater Portland middle and high schools have benefited from Compass Project programs. “The patience it takes for students to learn to build a boat translates into increased ability to stay on task and do work in the classroom,” says Tyler Thompson, lead teacher of the Westbrook Alternative Learning Program.

For more information on The Compass Project’s programs, contact the executive director, Pat Ryan, at 207-828-5289 or; or the Web site: