To the editor:

I received your membership solicitation in the mail this week. I also received my Feb. 3 issue of The Working Waterfront. Assuming that the article by Rusty Warren represents the attitude of the Island Institute towards those of us from away, why would I want to be a member of your organization? To say the least I am offended. My name is John, not Krob. My wife’s name is Carol, not Toots. The article suggests that all those friendly Mainers are faking it and only tolerate people from away. If I believed that I would sell my house in Maine and not return. After all, who wants to be considered an “epidemic” or part of an inconvenient “swarm” or a “summer affliction, like mosquitoes and horseflies”?

Why would Island Institute permit publication of such a provincial and hostile article?

John Clouse

Potomac, Maryland

All of our columnists speak for themselves and don’t necessarily represent the views of the Institute. -ed.