To the editor:

Having been brought up in Maine, built with my hands a house on great Cranberry, but having to live “away” due to health insurance needs, I applaud Phil Crossman’s comments [letter, March 03]. He could not have said it better. We all no matter where we reside have similar crosses to bear. It is time for us all to whenever possible “break bread” together, and attempt to build on our similarities rather than our differences.

I attended the Affordable Coast Conference this fall and was impressed by how folks from different locations and backgrounds saw a need to take various approaches to keeping Maine islands viable.

Numerous ideas surfaced. One was to establish a Credit Union or like organization to assist islanders – much like the efforts of Warren Little described by Ms. Dinsmore (WWF March 03). Let’s further fertilize that seed. We need to help folks settle on the islands year around.

Also, I conceptually agree with the need for legislation to control property taxes as espoused by the Land Bank proposal from Chebeague. My thrust would be to somehow encourage building modestly. Grand “palaces” don’t fit in, and truly burden island resources such as fire, medical, roads and utility services. Man/womanpower on the islands has limits.

Christopher J. White, President

Cranberry Isles Realty Trust