
A superb essay

Eva Murray’s November Working Waterfront essay “Having the right stuff is not enough,” was superb. Everyone would do well to heed her words, whether on the islands or the mainland, in Maine, or anywhere else. I thank her for taking the time to craft the message. Joanne McCartan Brunswick

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Rusty’s Return

To the editor: How delightful to read Rusty Warren’s article “In the Beginning” in the latest edition of the Working Waterfront. I have missed her regular articles from the `Fisherman’s Wife.’ Thank you for publishing her again and I hope to see more, especially the continuation of this story. She is a grand story teller!

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To the editor: I was appalled by the information in Wanda Curtis’s article, “Coastal hospitality businesses respond to high gas prices” [WWF July 06]. It seems that the innkeepers in Rockland have banded together to offer a cut-rate package to those vacationers who would “Drive Mean to Save Green” on their lodging fees. She quotes

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Pay for the paper?

To the editor: I am writing to offer my opinion regarding real estate advertising in The Working Waterfront/Inter-Island News. I have been a member of the Institute for years and have enjoyed, tremendously, your publications. However, it is distressing to me to see you write about the diminishing facilities and abilities of Maine’s fishing endeavor

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