On Sunday, April 11, beginning at 7 p.m., there will be a one-time-only slide-show and video presentation at the Camden Snow Bowl by transatlantic sailor Tom Amory who, with a crew of four friends from Camden and Rockport, made a recent sailing voyage around the legendary region of Cape Horn and the Beagle Channel aboard the 54-foot cutter-rigged S.V. Pelagic. A suggested contribution to the presentation is $5, and all proceeds will benefit the fund to construct a new lodge at the Snow Bowl.

The Pelagic, owned by world-renowned sailor, Skip Novak, pioneered sailing expeditions in the remote Tierra del Fuego region of South America, as well as further south in the Antarctic. Bob Weiler of Brimstone Consulting and Chip Bauer of Harbor Builder accompanied Amory and served as mountaineers and crew leaders. David Conover, award-winning documentary film-maker from Compass Light Productions in Camden, has produced a series of short videos and compiled the images from the expedition to illustrate the presentation. Philip Conkling, president of the Island Institute, served as naturalist aboard the cruise, and documented the local fauna and flora, including giant petrels, albatross, guanacos and wild horses during an expedition to a glacial valley with a local gaucho. All five expedition members will be on hand to describe their adventures and answer questions.
For more information about this special presentation of “The End of the World-From Cape Horn to the Beagle Channel,” or for directions to the Camden Snow Bowl, please contact the Camden Parks and Recreation at 236-3438.