I have had multiple calls and emails since the Times article and a Portland PR firm has volunteered to help pro bono! A food scientist at Penn State is interested in determining the recipe for small bakeries and home bakers. New England Cable News and Port City Magazine have called as well!

Kraft needs to understand that this is about more than a cracker. It is a response to the homogenization of American culture/society as well as the lack of compassion of major conglomerates. They buy up unique companies, homogenize them and then spit them out once the competition has been eliminated!

Food companies are no different from oil companies. It is all about the bottom line. They no longer care about customer base. They decide what we eat and we don’t have enough gumption to say no, so we just roll over!  One of my e-mails was from a woman in Brooklyn, NY, who suggested a Kraft boycott and several islanders have suggested a “cracker party” where Kraft products are dumped overboard.

Corporate America does not care!

– Donna Damon