To the editor:

I spent every summer of my childhood in Southwest Harbor, Maine. Two of my favorite foods both in Maine and at home in Syracuse, NY, were Crown Pilot and Dandy Soup and Oyster crackers. When I moved south after college, (I have lived in the Washington D.C. area for 40 years) I was able to get both types of crackers. I sort of lost touch with Crown Pilot, but remained ridiculously attached to Dandy. No other oyster crackers could (or can) compare.

Nabisco took over the Soup and Oyster crackers many years ago. They dropped the Dandy name, but the crackers were the same — perfect! Then, all of a sudden, my crackers disappeared. I looked in every grocery store I visited (and we have LOTS of them in the Washington metropolitan area) but to no avail. I even tried to find them when I visited family in Maine. But there were none to be found.

I finally called Nabisco and was told that the crackers were discontinued. I cried, I whined, I wept, I wheedled, but seemingly to no avail. Then, many months (years?) later, I went to my local grocery store and there they were! I called Nabisco and was told that the outcry had been so loud and strong from so many customers that “Dandy” had been brought back! I have been excited ever since! But I must confess that my heart is in my throat every time I look for them on the shelf. What if they disappear again? Oh, no, I mustn’t even think that.

I will now make a point of buying Crown Pilots as well, partly as a matter of principle, but partly because they taste really good, and I’d hate to see them disappear again.

Sara Toye
Fredericksburg, VA