To the editor:
I read with interest your summary of the Brookings Institution’s report on the future of Maine [WWF Nov. 2006]. As a boater I have visited Maine for many years, and I lived in Camden for a time. My daughter was born in Maine. Maine should look to Rhode Island for a master stroke that could double the size of the pleasure boating industry in a very short time. Rhode Island eliminated the sales tax on boats. Overnight, the boatbuilding, brokerage, repair, and storage businesses were revitalized, creating thousands of new jobs. I now run into boats everywhere (I am currently in the southwest Caribbean) sporting a Rhode Island hailing port. I personally know several people who purchased boats and keep them in Rhode Island specifically to take advantage of the huge tax savings. I suspect that the loss in sales tax revenue would be more than compensated in the increase in taxes generated by business activity and new jobs. Rhode Island seems to be very happy with the experiment. Maine’s coast is dotted with many fine businesses that could easily expand to meet an increased demand. This is a way to add significant value to the Maine working waterfront businesses struggling to survive.

I doubt it will happen, but I know that Maine’s economy and brand would benefit.


John J. Kettlewell
Saratoga Springs, NY