In a swift and nearly unanimous town meeting held June 26, Frenchboro voters approved almost every article on the town warrant in a two-hour session. In mostly uncontested races, the town elected new and returning officials to town offices.

The largest expenditure for the town will be the school budget for 2006-2007, to accommodate the growing school population. The approved budget is $143,465 for this fiscal year, and includes funds for a second full time teacher for the 13 pupils that are expected to start school in September. The town also approved spending a total of $35,000 on construction of an addition to the municipal building.

The article that sparked the most discussion was the 34th of 35 articles. By a narrow vote of 16-15 the Frenchboro voters decided to switch to a one-tier ferry rate if the plan is approved by the Maine State Ferry Service. This means that tickets on the ferry will cost the same whether they are mainland or island originated. Some voiced concern that for families, such a change would mean a significant increase in their yearly travel budgets, while others explained that the change would be beneficial for those who often travel one way on a private boat. The price of a round trip passenger ticket could be raised from the current price of $6 to over $9 if the change is approved, and a round trip car ticket would rise about $6.

The only article defeated in its entirety was a new town road ordinance. Townspeople felt that the ordinance, which would have given the town and road commissioner the power to require removal of structures, wells, walkways, fences and posts near the road, needed more work. Many feared that the ordinance did not “grandfather” existing structures that have stood for decades, including houses and wells close to the road. Townspeople decided they would work with the Select Board on rewriting the ordinance with more acceptable guidelines.

Prior to the start of the meeting, most of the townspeople attended a potluck barbeque. Hotdogs, hamburgers and assorted goodies were served.