Every third Monday at 4:30 p.m., a group meets on Islesboro for a brief candlelight prayer circle, focused on all the men, women, and children involved in the occupation of Iraq. Prayers are offered for peace, safety, and an end to the occupation so that family and friends can return home soon.

At a farewell party held by the island volunteer ambulance association for a member who is currently serving in Iraq, fellow crew member Ginny Drew was inspired to start the prayer circle in his honor, letting him and others know they are cared about and won’t be forgotten by their communities. Pastor James of the Second Baptist Church has been instrumental in promoting the circle and leads the group in prayer.

Sunset prayer circle meetings have been held at the Islesboro lighthouse for the past three months. Gale force winds and chilling cold didn’t stop a core group of people from gathering at the lighthouse for the last meeting in December.

For the next couple of winter months, the prayer circle will meet at the Second Baptist Church.