To the editor:

I write to express how grateful I, and other Matinicus residents, are that our Rockland “landing” problem is being aired to the public [WWF Oct. 2004]. Your recent Working Waterfront article was well written and expressed our concerns.

It is imperative that our transportation vessels (state ferry excluded) have a space that will be for use whenever needed. Medical trips, by nature, cannot be scheduled and the plane, as you know, cannot be used during foul weather. Night medical trips from Matinicus often are by small boat and the SUNBEAM depends upon dockage space for all of its funeral trips.

Our needs may appear to be small when compared to the big business of tourism, but they are vital and often a life depends upon rapid access to the mainland.

Margret Maloney

Bluffton, South Carolina, and Harbor View Pathway, Matinicus