To the editor:

I read each of your publications with interest and thank you for making them available. Of particular interest to me in this edition was “Journal of an Island Kitchen” by Sandy Oliver. Her reminisces about growing up amidst molasses use, flavor and scent (as I too remember) caused me to immediately prepare a batch of the Hot Water Gingerbread. Instead of finding a gingerbread with “…a charming crispy crust” upon removal of the cake pan from the oven, I was holding a bubbling mass of unthickened batter. Hmmmmmmm!!??

I retraced my materials, measures and steps and concluded a problem may exist within the recipe. Should there be an additional thickening ingredient such as flour?

Any help you can offer will extinguish my persistent longing for a taste of the real “Gran’s” gingerbread.

David W. Addison
