To the editor:

In yesterday’s mail we received The Working Waterfront and in reading through the Reviews on page 23, discovered something that really should be corrected. The review of The Island’s True Child, review written by Robin de Campi, states and I quote:

“The Island’s True Child is taken from Dorothy Simpson’s unpublished journals dating to 1930 which, after her death in 1998, were fortunately put in the hands of her niece Dorothy Elisabeth Simpson by Dot’s lifelong friend Elisabeth Ogilvie, the novelist who died recently.”

Now as co-author of the book A Mug-up with Elisabeth, the Companion for Readers of Elisabeth Ogilvie and for six years co-editor of the Newsletter for Readers of Elisabeth Ogilvie, I have been receiving concerned phone calls from various people in the area.

Having just gotten off the phone from speaking with Elisabeth and her niece, Barbara Mosher, I have been assured that Elisabeth is still very much alive and well. They have been out of town and have not yet retrieved the mail from the post office, but Barbara is hoping that Elisabeth finds this to be funny.

[I don’t know] where Ms. de Campi got her information, but it does seem like someone should set her straight as well as mentioning in the next issue that indeed Elisabeth Ogilvie is still alive.

Thank you

Marilyn Westervelt

Tenants Harbor

From this and other communications we’ve received since Robin De Campi’s review appeared, we are certain that Marilyn Westervelt is correct. We have been reliably informed that Elisabeth Ogilvie was indeed amused by the exaggerated report of her demise, but we still apologize. – ed.