To the editor:

The arrival of The Working Waterfront in the day’s mail is an event to make my day, even better than that first cup of coffee. I read it cover to cover but save The Cranberry Report by Captain Ted Spurling, Sr., as dessert. I thoroughly enjoy his journal, his observations, notes. He is great. Many times he refers to events in the past I can relate to. I also was graduated from high school in 1936. When our three children were young, our summer vacations were in Maine, at Uncle Fred’s cottage. Our son is a graduate of King’s Point, our grandson is a graduate of King’s Point, and is sailing today, even as I write.

I so enjoy Captain Spurling’s articles I wish they could all be collected in book form, going back to the first of his articles for The Working Waterfront. You have a long list of available books listed – will you please consider The Cranberry Report. I also admire, collect, John McPhee’s journalistic style books. Until I moved here four years ago I kept a journal going back into the 1940s. There is no more room for my year-by-year journals. I’d rather read Spurling’s, McPhee’s, Washington Irving’s.

Please consider.

Audrey Horton Skillman

Gaylordsville, Connecticut