During an early spring snowstorm on March 31, approximately 35 residents attending the Isle au Haut town meeting voted to send a resolution on the war against Iraq to President Bush, Sens. Collins and Snowe and Reps. Allen and Michaud.

The resolution states that it “should in no way be interpreted as lack of support for the troops, and that the Town of Isle au Haut stands in full support of our brave young men and women of the Armed Forces.” It also “urges and requests that the President of the United States support the full support of diplomatic resolutions and weapons inspections.” The vote was 14 in favor, 11 opposed.

Fifty-nine other articles appeared on the warrant, including the election of the following community members to fill positions for the ensuing year: Town Clerk, Sue MacDonald; First Selectman, Peter Burke; Second Selectman, Bill Clark; Third Selectman, Jason Barter; Treasurer, Ben MacDonald; Collector of Taxes, Sue MacDonald; Tax Assessors, Lucinda Russell and Payson Barter; Road Commissioner, William Stevens; Fire Chief, Keith Aisner. Also nominated and elected were Merle Grindal and Bernadine Barter, 3-year terms on the School Board; Tony Gamage, four-year term on the Planning Board; Greg Runge, Animal Control Officer; Dave Hiltz, member of and Peter Burke, selectman representative to the Colwell Ramp Waterfront Access Board.

Ted Hoskins was chosen as moderator of the meeting.

Articles also included the school budget – down due to a decrease in the number of students on the island for the next school year. Some families have moved to the mainland for their children’s secondary education, thereby decreasing the need for high school money in the school budget. Teacher Judith Jipson is leaving after the end of this school year after 10 years teaching on Isle au Haut. She received acknowledgement by standing ovation for her exceptional service to the school and community.

Island infrastructure issues on the warrant were snow removal, roads, bridges, recycling and waste disposal, and a new winch and hoist for the town landing. The winch article passed after some discussion about need and type. It was agreed that cost estimates for this project would be brought back to the town for review and approval. Some residents during this discussion pointed out that the new town landing ramp is too steep and potentially dangerous, especially for children and handicapped visitors and residents.

Funding for the Colwell Ramp Waterfront Access was unanimously approved as amended to $9,000 from $5,000. Health care and ambulance funding were also approved unanimously. Article 53 engendered a lively discussion on whether to authorize the selectmen to lease the rear half of the firehouse lot to the Isle au Haut Power Company for the purpose of consolidating all of the company’s operations, supplies and equipment. Complications such as the need to improve the fire department in order to alleviate fire insurance issues and the lack of a plan for the power company’s proposal resulted in a decision to table the motion until the next regular town meeting, by an 11 to 10 vote.

By the end of a smooth and well-moderated meeting, voters had passed 59 articles, a few with amendments. One article was tabled. The weather cleared and the wind moderated by early afternoon.

– Leslie Fuller