It’s a case of disappearing cod, and Prince Edward Island fishermen are wondering why.

The general manager of the Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association says that the declining cod stocks on the island are a mystery – to a degree and that degree is seals. “Stocks are declining despite the fact that we’ve had no fishery to speak of here since ’93,” says Rory McLellan. “Aside from an exploding seal population – something we’ve been trying to bring to Ottawa’s attention – the only thing we can figure is changes in water temperature. A couple of degrees difference can change migration patterns so the fish aren’t where they’re supposed to be. People say that it’s only one degree, but remember, one degree can mean the difference between rain and snow.”

During a two-day monitored season, fishermen hauled in 154 tons of cod. They were allowed to catch 174 tons.

“Nothing about this cod fishery is normal,” McLellan says. “We were concerned before the fishery opened and now our concerns are being expressed in the landings.”