A new county?

To the editor:

Thanks for the update on Portland’s waterfront presented in May 2002 issue. We on the Casco Bay islands have a better understanding that the $8 million being quoted is nothing but hot air. Perhaps some investigative reporting would reveal the true revenues of this cash cow?

Portland is a commercial port receiving oil products as well as other commerce. Do we really need or should we encourage boatloads of foreign nationals coming into the harbor? Perhaps the cruise ships would be better off heading to other Maine ports.

The Casco Bay islanders have no chance of opposing the Portland city officials in their plans to rezone the working waterfront to suit their agenda. The islands have little or no political representatives. Perhaps it is time to form a new county to get back control of our destiny. Anyhow, keep up the reporting as little comes down to us living in this neighborhood.

Mac McDermott
Peaks Island