
Hancock Gourmet Lobster Company

Cal Hancock’s business has found its niche by producing specialty, high-end seafood products, and in doing so, utilizes 20,000 to 25,000 pounds of knuckle and claw lobster meat processed in Maine. Owner of Hancock Gourmet Lobster Co., Hancock puts the bulk of this lobster meat into Cundy’s Harbor Lobster Stew. Another large percent of the

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RAWFAITH launching planned for spring

The galleon RAWFAITH (WWF Oct. ’02), under construction in Addison to provide accessible sailing for disabled children and their families, is spending the winter at the building site beside the Pleasant River. Capt. George McKay anticipates launching the ship in April. McKay and his family have devoted the past three years and their savings to

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The lobsterman’s search for the best bait – the bait that as one veteran fisherman put it, “will give him an edge over the rest of the guys” – has led to some innovative and bizarre experiments, but few of them match the squash caper. The story goes like this: A group of fishermen, out

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