
Ruth Moore Remembered

Most of all, Ruth Moore, who died in 1989, was a wonderful storyteller, which is how her niece Muriel Davisson remembers her. Muriel grew up in a house near Ruth and her partner, Eleanor Mayo, overlooking Bass Harbor on Mount Desert Island. As a child, Muriel, who now lives in Ruth’s house, remembers how she

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The Mainely T Tour Comes to Rockland

For many years Rockland has hosted a number of celebratory events during the summer. They include the Maine Lobster Festival, the Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors Show, the Maine Windjammer Parade and the North Atlantic Blues Festival. This year add to the list The Mainely T Tour, which will be arriving the week after Labor

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Betrayal at Fort William Henry

One of the oldest and strongest forts in New England was the scene of a cowardly and treacherous act of betrayal by Pasco Chubb, the British officer commanding Fort William Henry in 1696. The fort guarded the entrance to the Pemaquid River, which leads to present day Damariscotta. In 1692 when King William’s War (1689-1697)

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The return of Vinalhaven’s Four Fossils

This summer, Vinalhaven’s “Four Fossils” took their show to the village. They built a 135-foot-long retaining wall out of granite, as part of a town sidewalk project. The Four Fossils are Fred Granger, Ted Johanson, Hugh Martin and Wes Reed, each with an interest in doing something to “utilize Vinalhaven’s historic resource,” according to an

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