
Venturing: Drink Up!

ORANJESTAD, ARUBA -It’s fitting that this island community’s electricity and water plants are next door to one another. Pipes bring seawater into an oil-fired generating station where it’s boiled and converted to steam to run electrical turbines. Cooled, re-liquefied without its salt content and then filtered through coral sand, the steam becomes fresh water that’s

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Headed East: Roger F. Duncan 1917-2010

Guidebook writers have something in common with composers of music: their work, if it’s good enough, is destined to be heard aloud. Roger F. Duncan, who died May 15, will forever be identified with The Cruising Guide to the New England Coast-and I suspect that generations of cruising sailors will recall hearing Roger’s words read

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Venturing: Fitting Out

It’s spring, and although I’m fond of pointing out that we might still have a blizzard (it’s April; we could), my confidence level is high enough to get me started on the boat. Easter is past, Daylight Saving Time is here, the buds are progressing and the grass is getting green. Ducks are building nests

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Venturing: Wood that has history

Up the street in my town a group of guys is merrily taking apart an old building. The windows and the siding are already gone; the sheathing boards and the frame are on their way. Everything is being carefully sorted-wide boards of any value in a neat pile, other boards and lots of two-by-fours in

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Venturing: Techno kids

The maritime world was once known for its salty knowledge, passed down through the generations. Old sailors taught younger ones how to tie knots, about the mysteries of dead reckoning, ways to find where you are in the fog, how to predict the weather. There’s loads of lore about sailing, navigating, safety, maintenance-all, in the

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There’s an old “Bert and I” sketch involving a tourist who wants to go to Millinocket. The native tries out a few answers involving roads that “turn to dirt now and then,” and finally gives up: “Milllinocket-come to think of it, you can’t get there from here.” These days, if you want to get there,

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